Personal Trainer | Why stay away from GMO’s


As a Personal Trainer, I’m frequently asked about my opinion on nutrition and eating. I want to discuss an important topic on nutrition today. GMO’s (Genetically Modified Organism) are organisms whose genetic material has been altered using engineering techniques. They are found in many, if not most, of the foods we eat, yet they do not offer any benefits to the consumer of these foods. During the process of creating GMO’s, the genes of one species (they could possibly be created from: bacteria, viruses, insects, animals or humans), are artificially inserted into the genes of a completely different species where they become harmful to us and our environment.

86% of the corn, 92% of the soybeans, and 70% of the processed foods in the United States are genetically modified.

For over a decade now, the FDA has allowed genetically modified foods to be sold with no labeling indicating the product was genetically modified.  We do not even know if the foods we are eating are natural or genetically engineered! Without labeling, we can’t even determine the long-term effects of the genetically engineered foods because there is no way to track it. Supporters of big agricultural companies say the benefits for genetically modified foods are the following: faster growing crops, more volume of crops per square foot of land, insect resistance, drought resistance, virus resistance, herbicide tolerance and ability to stay fresh longer. These benefits are great for the growers and the GMO manufacturers, but what do they do for us?

It’s fascinating that we are ingesting a bacterial gene that doesn’t die from chemicals such as pesticides and herbicides. What is this gene going to do to our bodies and our digestive tract? Some GMO’s consist of an antibiotic feature, which cause the body to develop a resistance to antibiotics, making antibiotics less effective. Similar to this example, studies are showing the pests are developing a resistance to the herbicides and the amount of herbicide used on GM crops such as soy has increased.

Incidentally the use of pesticides and herbicides are killing the nutrients in the soil, which is where the plant gets its nutrients. Forcing more volume per square foot of land that lacks nutrient dense soil significantly decreases the overall nutrients in the end product.

The American Academy of Environmental Medicine reported that “Several animal studies indicate serious health risks associated with GM food,” including infertility, immune problems, accelerated aging, faulty insulin regulation, and changes in major organs and the gastrointestinal system. In a recent report from Russian Biologists performing a routine study on GMO long term effects in hamsters, the third generation of hamsters were completely sterile when fed GM Soy foods. The side effects for humans are unknown because there have not been any case studies with humans and genetically modified foods. Critical concerns for humans are allergic effects, resistance to antibiotics, organ and reproductive failures and gene transfer from the GM foods to the cells of the body or GI tract.

Monsanto, a major GM manufacturer, one of the top ten US chemical companies, known for their product Agent Orange used during the Vietnam War, and the first company to genetically modify a plant cell, is the world’s leading producer of herbicide glyphosate and second largest producer of genetically engineered seeds. After crops were dying from their herbicide product “Round Up”, they discovered a bacterial gene resistant to “Round Up” and developed GM soy, corn, cotton and canola resistant to the herbicide.  Not only are we eating genetically modified foods, we are consuming the herbicides and pesticides that were sprayed all over them!

A major environmental concern is the outcrossing of genes from GM plants into conventional crops. This has actually become a real problem for farmers after Monsanto was able to get their GM seeds patented. Winds often blow seeds from one farm to the next; this was never a problem until seeds became genetically modified. Now that Monsanto’s seeds are patented, they filed lawsuits against farmers whenever Monsanto’s seeds were found on other farms. This became an incredible financial burden on farmers, which resulted in either putting them out of business or forcing farmers to stop using their own seeds and buy Monsanto’s seeds.

Unless labeled “certified organic”, I recommend avoiding soy, corn, cotton, canola, sugar beets, cantaloupe, tomatoes, farm-raised salmon and Hawaiian papaya in order to avoid genetically modified foods. The prevalence of GM corn and soy beans in our grocery stores is more than most people realize, especially as ingredients in our processed/ packaged foods. It is actually hard to find packaged products on the shelves without a corn based ingredient or soybean derivative as a food additive. Our dairy, eggs and meat products have also been contaminated from GMO injections and feeding the animals GM foods instead of the foods they are naturally meant to be eating. For example, cattle are being injected with artificial hormones and antibiotics and fed GM corn instead of grass.

Take responsibility for your health and our environment. Buy certified organic, whole foods from local farms as much as possible and consider growing your own food. I hope this article opens your eyes to what you are putting in your mouth and helps you to make smarter choices at the grocery store. It’s time to start taking care of YOU!

Kelly is a personal trainer in Woodland Hills and Online. She helps her clients with all aspects of Fitness.


Disclaimer: Please check with your doctor and have it cleared before beginning any new exercise or diet program.  I am in no way a doctor, nutritionist, or registered dietician, my blog is opinion based and I do not claim to diagnose, treat, or cure any cause, condition or disease. All information provided is for informational purposes only; it is not medical advice and has not been approved by the FTC or FDA. Please always communicate with your doctor to make any decisions or changes regarding your health, as your doctor is the only one who knows what is right for you.
